Every boy’s first love is amma and second love is obviously Royal Enfield

RE is one of those brands which doesn’t need any marketing, any crowd pulling ads or any this sort things. So the words ahead are not for promoting this beast, instead it is for the LOVE of Bullet <3

Most of the young men’s first dream would always be to own a bike whereas I wasn’t so passionate about owning a bike. But inside me unknowingly there was a dream, there was a desire about this beast, Royal Enfield. And because of it high cost, I had never dared to even think of buying it. Yet I was silently adoring it everytime I saw it on the road, the thumping sound it made, made me go with goosebumps. One fine day, I was at my uncle’s where I saw a Royal Enfield Classic 350 parked at his gate. And I couldn’t resist myself from having a seat on it, and Bham!!!! I called up Anu, I told that I’m gonna buy RE-Classic 350. I didn’t know how/when but I knew Why! Because that was the only materialstic thing I had ever dreamed about and I wanted to make it a reality at any cost. She just told go ahead. As the saying goes, if you are too much dedicated and determined towards something, the whole universe will stand aside you to let that happen and that happened to me. The very next day I got a call from my manager and he told me that I might need to leave for Mumbai in a couple of weeks or so!! And I just couldn’t stand on my legs.. I was flying out of sheer joy. (P.S. Well you might be thinking what’s mumbai gotta do with owning a RE bike, what’s the connection? Yes, with mumbai calling, I would have to stay there for long with added extra allowances, which was more than I had expected and That was the amount I saved in future in order to own the BEAST 🙂 Got the point 😉 ) So after long 11 months of waiting(usually it’s 3 to 6 months, but since I was in mumbai after I booked the vehicle and returned only after 11 months) on April 22nd 2016 I got the much awaited, most beautiful, FatBuoy <3 (Well, yes, I had given it a name already.)

Since then, he has become like a part an parcel of my life 🙂 Covering and Conquering the miles together <3 With Thumping as the heartbeat and Pride of us 🙂

So this was my story about how I got my Royal Enfield 350 Classic My FATBUOY :*

Here goes some points which

1. A common man owns one bike in whole lifetime. So why not go for the one which will last for a lifetime and also for the generations next to come and go. Yes! As you all already know, the older you get the better the looks. And what best example than the Bullet. You can always show you grandchildren that this was the beast I had got with so much passion and still it’s charm is not down by a single gram and then they can also Ride the Pride 🙂



2. This machine by far is the only one which looks marvelous for both Retro and Metro. – What I wanna tell is, you wear a ripped off jeans, a tee and a jacket and shades and ride with all the funky look, it looks awesome. – Or just wear a white panche, white shirt, sport a pair of Aviators, and with the moustache ride the beast, that looks even more dashing. Hence its a added on compensation for both Retro and Metro styles B)


3. Technology has outpaced the human life and is overtaking even the future. Many new features have come up in the vehicle industry also no doubt in it. But Kick Starting a Bullet and the engine Roars and the Iron Body begins to Thump, the very Feel of that Power will embrace you.


4. Once you own a Royal Enfield, you’ll always become a part of one or the other Riders Gang. Either you’ll find them or they’ll hunt you down 😀 And believe me this is ‘The Best’ part of owning a Legendary Branded Motorcycle. Well needless to say that I have got an awesome Gang of Riders who were introduced to me by my friend Sushma. And its just a splendid experience man. Seriously, like in two months we are already been on two long rides of 900 odd and 700 odd kms respectively. Isn’t that such a beautiful thing.



5. Early morning wake up, tie our saddle bags to the bike, dress up, put on the jacket, wear the balaclava, the rider gloves … And altogether 10 to 12 bikes (Maximum of them were Bullet) kick-start and going down the highway like a pack of Wolves. Being a fresher to this sort, it was literal goosebumps to me.


6. The best thing about the Bullet Gang I feel is the discipline they possess, there will be a leader, there will be couple of sweepers who will be the last ones in the pack behind everyone. Everyone follows the one in front of us, and have an eye in the mirror for our very rear follower. This kind of formation helps us to stop at the first sight of trouble. Thus every single time, the whole pack moves together. Blessed to be a part of the Riders Pack 🙂


7. Many people might be saying that Bullets are too main stream these days, every other guy rides a Black Bullet, so lets don’t make this choice. Why!! Just Why!! How many ever bullets exist, the feel you get when you sit on yours is uncomparable to anything in the world. There might come many modern two wheelers, but when you are going at a decent pace in your Bullet, ನಕ್ಕನ್ ಆ ಗತ್ತೇ ಬೇರೆ !! None of the sports bike could match the Macho look this gives. . . . Read More . . . . . . . . .


Don’t wait and Read for more reasons to .. . . Just RIDE MORE.. BULLET FOR LIFE <3

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